
Hello! I started this blog so you can judge me when too much time has passed between posts (or tell someone I'm dead). 

My essays weave short stories with practical learnings (sometimes unlearning) across different subject areas. I wrote a lot of poetry in high school and some haikus are posted on Instagram

If I'm not writing, I'm operating and investing in early stage and growth startups:

  • 2008-Present: Investing in public equities (how convenient to start during a bottom)
  • 2010-2013: Bootstrapping with a 3 person team at Xpenser (acquired by Coupa)
  • 2013-2016: B2B Spend Management Software startup (Coupa, IPO 2017)
  • 2016-2019: Modern Bank starting with Buy Now Pay Later startup (Affirm, IPO 2020)
  • 2017-Present: Investing in startups (RetoolCulture BiosciencesOcean Hugger Foods to name a few)
  • 2020: Participating in a restructure (RainforestQA) 
  • 2021: Collecting generative art (collection)
  • 2021-2022: Reforestation climate tech startup (Terraformation)
  • Currently: writing, drawing, learning python on replit, and looking for the next adventure